
Banana crown rot reduction with ozone treatment

Frédéric Violleau presented the encouraging results obtained in his research about during the European Horticulture Congress, Romania, May 2024. It belongs to a Project in which the controlled atmosphere specialist Absoger is also involved

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23 December, 2024

Because of its oxidizing and antimicrobial properties and its low persistence, ozone is an interesting alternative to conventional plant protection products. It can be used for preserving fruits in an ozonated atmosphere and in post-harvest treatment.

The TOAsT platform team (Oxidative technologies applied to agriculture and agrifood in Toulouse), through the ATMOZFR project, has built a laboratory in a container to study this subject on different fruits such as banana.

It is equipped with a cold room with four independent modules for which it is possible to regulate oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and ozone (O3).

An on-board technical room allows the generation and control of the different gases. In addition, there is a laboratory part composed of a skid for the treatment of fruits with ozonated water or ozone gas for quick applications.

Finally, a module allows the water treatment by ultrafiltration combined with ozone in conditioning tations.

This tool is quasi autonomous since it only needs to be connected to water and electricity. It is mobile and navigable in order to be installed as close as possible to the needs.

Trials in Ivory Coast show reduction in banana crown rot

Within the framework of the ATMOZFR project, this container was sent and installed in Ivory Coast in a banana plantation to carry out tests directly after harvest. 

The aim is to study the possibility of using ozone in post-harvest treatment and during the transport of bananas to improve their preservation and extend their green life.

First results showed a 40% reduction in crown rot of banana artificially inoculated with Colletotrichum musae during storage in an ozonated atmosphere. Furthermore, ozonated water treatments appear to extend the green life of fruits


A mobile tool for postharvest treatment and preservation of bananas using ozone
Frédéric Violleau1, Cyndel Berger2, Marielle Pagès-Homs3, Léa Volmerange2, Pierre Brat4, Joel Grabulos4, Alain Normand5, Luc De Lapeyre de Bellaire6, Sylvain Gerbaud7, 
Olivier Hubert4, Victoria Bancal4, Aurélien Pugeaux5
1Ecole d'Ingénieurs de Purpan, 75 voie du Toec, 31076 Toulouse, France
2Plateform TOAsT, University of Toulouse, INP-PURPAN, 31076 Toulouse, France
3Plant Physiology, Pathology and Genetics, University of Toulouse, INP-PURPAN, 31076 Toulouse, France
4UMR- Qualisud, Dpt Persyst Qualisud, Univ Montpellier, Avignon University, CIRAD, Institut Agro, IRD, University of Reunion, 34398 Montpellier, France
5Compagnie Fruitière, 33 Bd Ferdinand de Lesseps, 13014 Marseille, France 
6GECO, Univ Montpellier, CIRAD, 34398 Montpellier, France
7Absoger, 82100 Les Barthes, France
*Correspondence: frederic.violleau@purpan.fr
EHC, European Horticulture Congress, Rumanía, 12 a 16 mayo 2024, https://ehc.usamv.ro/



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