
Adel A. Kader is gone

An email from Mabel Gil told us that Dr. Adel A. Kader passed away. Adel A. Kader led the team from the University of Davis, California, USA, which prompted the postharvest as a discipline in its own right, with an importance at least equal to the cultivation practices. The publication Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops is a classic in which we all learned. The postgraduate courses at UC Davis have

28 February, 2020
An email from Mabel Gil told us that Dr. Adel A. Kader passed away.Adel A. Kader led the team from the University of Davis, California, USA, which prompted the postharvest as a discipline in its own right, with an importance at least equal to the cultivation practices. The publication Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops? is a classic in which we all learned. The postgraduate courses at UC Davis have been the seedbed for many professionals of the postharvest, now occupying important positions in the produce business, education and research. ?But beyond his contributions to the postharvest ?a list would never be complete - Adel A. Kader was a great person, supporting those who were close to him physically or intellectually, with magnanimity. Adel, thanks! Image is for granting recognition in the 7th International Postharvest Symposium 2012, IPS 2012
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