AgriCoat NatureSeal
AgriCoat NatureSeal

AgriCoat NatureSeal

Phytosanitaries , Processing

NatureSeal FS, First Step washing and decontamination of produce

NatureSeal First Step.png

AGRICOAT NATURESEAL offers an environmentally friendly line of pre-washes based on a combination of fruit acids. First Step is a safe and easy-to-handle alternative to chlorine-based products, offering numerous exceptional benefits.

First Step products are formulated with fruit acids and minerals and effectively control bacteria and organisms that cause spoilage.

Key features include:

  • Free of quaternary ammonium compounds
  • Consistent reduction of microbial load
  • Easily measurable concentration
  • Available in liquid and dry formulations
  • No imparted flavors or odors
  • Organic formulations available
  • Hazard-free storage
  • Safe and easy to handle
  • Environmentally friendly (can be disposed of through wastewater systems after pH adjustment without negative effects on the environment).

First Step has achieved commercial success with watercress, whole onions, baby carrots, sweet corn, and whole cantaloupe melons, with numerous other whole products under testing and continuous new experience.

NatureSeal offers other product lines that provide solutions for all industrial needs through specific formulations for:

  • IV Range (or minimally processed), for industrial manufacturers
  • Frozen fruits
  • Dehydrated products
  • IV Range for foodservice
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