


Agrosta 100 Blue, texturometer for soft fruits with Bluetooth technology

The Agrosta 100 Blue is an advanced texturometer with Bluetooth that measures the firmness of soft fruits and vegetables

Agrosta 100 Blue Texturómetro avanzado para frutas y hortalizas delicadas.jfif
04 September, 2024

The Agrosta 100 Blue texturometer is an instrument from AGROSTA that allows for the determination of the firmness of delicate fruits and vegetables.

This includes tomatoes, blueberries, cherries, plums, grapes, strawberries, olives, and others.

Equipped with Bluetooth technology, the Agrosta 100 Blue uses the Durofel scale.

It comes with a rechargeable battery and charger, as well as a set of protective features to prevent potential damage from fruit juice.

Its sensor is made with ceramic microparticles, providing high rigidity for more precise measurements.


Attributes of the Agrosta 100 Blue texturometer

Its Android application has the following features:

  • Statistics: Average and standard deviation calculated instantly
  • Voice function with over 40 languages
  • Batch classification and storage in Csv format (compatible with Excel)
  • Batch query function
  • Barcode scanner
  • GPS position recorded

Its Windows application has these features:

  • Comes with a basic version of Excel
  • Statistics: Average and standard deviation calculated instantly
  • Batch classification and storage in Excel format


With this information, Agrosta is featured in the Directorio Poscosecha de Novedades 2024

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