


New version of the Durofel

The new Agrosta 100 Field comes with advanced features, like a double core processor and a touchscreen

New version of the Durofel.png
17 September, 2020

AGROSTA works on this new version since several years and now... it's ready!

The new Agrosta platform will be progressively implemented on all our models.

Compared to the 5th version (2015), the new generation, designed in 2020 has the following upgrades:

  • Very nice color touchscreen - Batches can be named (on version 5, an automatic number was given - here you can give a name to your batch - Up to 8 characters)
  • Still the double check calibration, that avoids a return to our factory for calibration most of the time + a manufacturer menu that can allow local distributors to modify the calibration
  • The last 15 batches since you have switched on the device are displayed on a single page in the chapter “Consult” and all data is stored on the microSD


Price still 2290 € transport included worldwide

The new platform embeds Wifi and Bluetooth that are not yet activated, but we are going to work on this in 2021.

Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea