The full range of Akira Seeds peppers

In AKIRA SEEDS, specialized producers canfound around of 130 different commercial varieties, types of all shapes, an unimaginable range of colors and almost 50% between super sweet varieties (very demanded by the specialist sector) and between spicy ranging from less spicy, which covers expectations of the most demanding public. According to Scoville degrees, they have a ranging from 100 to a million of units.

02 November, 2016
In AKIRA SEEDS, specialized producers canfound around of 130 different commercial pepper varieties, types of all shapes, an unimaginable range of colors and almost 50% between super sweet varieties (very demanded by the specialist sector) and between spicy ranging from less spicy, which covers expectations of the most demanding public. According to Scoville degrees, they have a ranging from 100 to a million of units. Among the supersweet varieties, there are offered SNACKING types with a range of 7 different colors, some of them with TM3 resistance (unique in the segment), the attractive mini-blockis, horns types of different colors, Kapia, Topepo, white, etc. . Regarding the spicy peppers are virtually all various types with very different forms and range according to scoville grades: Jalapeños, Siren, Glengarry, Habaneros, Cayenne types, types "Bird's Eye" (finer and short), Types Moroccans (more caliber), with more than 7 different colors. This range of products is the result of the hard work of collaborators geneticists of Akira Seeds from different countries: Holland, USA, India, Hungary, Japan, Italy, Israel, etc. To sum this information up, this whole wide range of varieties of peppers, meet the needs of the most demanding producers, as well as the needs of every gastronomic dish.   The images belong to the catalogs of sweet and spicy peppers which are presented below and can be downloaded for free.
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