Akira Seeds

Akira Seeds

3?C and high relative humidity, the best conditions to maintain the quality of huitlacoche

The huitlacoche (Ustilago maydis (DC) Corda) (*) is a good source of nutrients in the diet. During post-harvest handling, the product shows a rapid senescence, attributed to the high rates of dehydration and respiration of the product, in addition to its composition. In order to prolong shelf life, the effect of high relative humidity and low storage temperature on the physical properties of huitlacoche (whole and in galls) and the presence of phytopathogenic fungi were evaluated. The results showed that at 3 ?C the dehydration rate decreased, maintaining the visual quality for longer, both the whole huitlacoche and in galls. Storage with high relative humidity at room temperature favoured the proliferation of

26 July, 2017
The huitlacoche (Ustilago maydis (DC) Corda) (*) is a good source of nutrients in the diet.? During post-harvest handling, the product shows a rapid senescence, attributed to the high rates of dehydration and respiration of the product, in addition to its composition. In order to prolong shelf life, the effect of high relative humidity and low storage temperature on the physical properties of huitlacoche (whole and in galls) and the presence of phytopathogenic fungi were evaluated. The results showed that at 3 ?C the dehydration rate decreased, maintaining the visual quality for longer, both the whole huitlacoche and in galls. Storage with high relative humidity at room temperature favoured the proliferation of phytopathogenic host species such as Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizopus stolonifer and Penicillium expansum.? The highest incidence and severity was shown by F. oxysporum inoculated with a wound in the gall, while R. stolonifer, although with a lower incidence than the other two species, was able to survive up to 10 ?C. The results demonstrate that the management of huitlacoche at 3?C and high relative humidity in ambient air is feasible, as it counteracts the rate of dehydration and eliminates the risk of proliferation of host phytopathogenic fungi. SourcesPhysical and microbiological factors in the deterioration of huitlacoche in post-harvestElizabeth L?pez Garc?a1, Artemio P?rez L?pez1?, Marcelo Acosta Ramos1, Mar?a de Jes?s Ochoa Rosas1, Reyna Isabel Rojas Mart?nez2 y Teodoro Espinosa Solares11 Ingenier?a Agroindustrial, Parasitolog?a Agr?cola. Universidad Aut?noma Chapingo. Carretera M?xico-Texcoco, km 38.5. Texcoco, Estado de M?xico, M?xico. CP. 56230. (lopez.geliza@gmail.com; aperezl.dia@gmail.com; acostam14@gmail.com; mary-0613@hotmail.com; t.espinosa.s@taurus.chapingo.mx). 2 Fitopatolog?a, Colegio de Postgraduados. Carretera M?xico-Texcoco, km. 36.5. Montecillo, Texcoco, Estado de M?xico, M?xico. CP. 56230. ( rojas@colpos.mx). ?Contact author: aperezl.dia@gmail.comRevista Mexicana de Ciencias Agr?colas Vol.8 N?m.3 01 de abril - 15 de mayo, 2017 p. 545-558 ? (*) For those who do not know: What is huitlacoche?Wiki says:Huitlacoche is a fungus of the Ustilaginaceae family. It is a parasite that grows among the corn kernels. In Mexico, where it originates, it is considered a delicacy. ...Https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ustilago_maydis How do you eat it? Ana D?az says "What it is and how it is eaten - A delicacy that comes from corn and has many health benefits"Among its benefits stand out:- It is an aid in the prevention of diseases such as cancer- It contains fibers that allow the digestive system to function optimally- It promotes the synthesis of essential amino acids for the human organism. PicturesThe first image is from VeoVerde, in a story, also by Ana Diaz, who explains the benefits of huitlacoche, significantly titled "Who cares that you are ugly when you are delicious and full of health benefits"? The image of the recipe is by NoticiasYa!, warning that this delicacy could be in danger of extinction.
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