Akira Seeds

Akira Seeds

CMF 2015, 1st world summit of horticulture

On 12, 13 and May 14 will be held in Tabacundo, Ecuador, the First World Summit of Horticulture, I Cumbre Mundial de Floricultura, CMF, with lectures by experts, aimed at technicians and managers of flower farms. The CPM 2015 takes place in the canton Pedro Moncayo, World Capital of the Rose, a main source of Ecuadorian rose exports. Ecuadorian flowers are recognized in international markets for its high quality, which has been the determining factor

19 February, 2021
On 12, 13 and May 14 will be held in Tabacundo, Ecuador, the First World Summit of Horticulture, I Cumbre Mundial de Floricultura, CMF, with lectures by experts, aimed at technicians and managers of flower farms. The CPM 2015 takes place in the canton Pedro Moncayo, World Capital of the Rose, a main source of Ecuadorian rose exports. Ecuadorian flowers are recognized in international markets for its high quality, which has been the determining factor for the expansion and development of the areas devoted to growing flowers, an activity that is an important source of incomes and work for a growing number of professionals and agricultural workers working directly or indirectly in this activity. Simultaneously the Trade Show where the best suppliers of inputs and services for flower production will be exhibiting. The World Summit is organized by the organization AGEAPSE, and has the support of the Municipal Government of Pedro Moncayo. Further information: info@zamoranosecuador.com http://www.cumbremundialfloricultura.com/
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea