Akira Seeds

Akira Seeds

Effectivity of marketing actions in salads, making enjoyable the demand for healthy foods

The hot weather and a general trend for the lunchtime shoppers to act more healthily is seeing salad sales grow faster than sandwiches, prompting retailers to expand their ranges With the UK sweltering under record high temperatures for parts of the early summer, the country?s grocery retailers have evidently spotted the right time to launch new, fresher alternatives to the traditional lunchtime sandwich for office workers. According to IRI figures, demand for healthy salads increased by 19% during the 52 weeks to the June 8, compared

26 May, 2021
The hot weather and a general trend for the lunchtime shoppers to act more healthily is seeing salad sales grow faster than sandwiches, prompting retailers to expand their ranges With the UK sweltering under record high temperatures for parts of the early summer, the country?s grocery retailers have evidently spotted the right time to launch new, fresher alternatives to the traditional lunchtime sandwich for office workers. According to IRI figures, demand for healthy salads increased by 19% during the 52 weeks to the June 8, compared with the same period a year before ? four times the rate of sandwiches. By comparison, demand for leafy salads rose by 13%. In response, Tesco marked a sunny June by launching a new range of ?exotic? salad mixes that combine conventional ingredients with seafood, chicken and rice. Increasing numbers of shoppers and office workers, the retailer claimed as it did so, are now forgoing their stock choice of sandwiches and wraps, and focusing instead on the healthy end of the salad category. Tesco was prompted by the trend to completely ramp up its ?on-the-go? salad range to nearly 50 lines, adding combinations such as crayfish and mango, ?edamame?, una preparaci?n que se hace con las vainas de soja muy frecuente en Jap?n, y salmon, etc. Complete articleRevamped salads take a bite out of lunchtime sandwich market, Steven Maxwell, Produce Business UKSources of the picturesFirst picture, the mentioned article; 2nd picture, edamame, Wikipedia.org ?
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