Akira Seeds

Akira Seeds

In Heliconia, application of irrigation water in combination with any pre or post antitraspirant, extended vase life

In cultivated Heliconia bihai L., the application of irrigation water before harvesting inflorescences and applying commercial antitranspirants Stress Relief 35 ? and Vapor Gard ? at different doses (0, 0.5 and 1%), before or after harvest, was evaluated. The results were measured by viewing postharvest weight loss percentage, percentage of observed damage, the limits of their marketing and vase life. Irrigation application before harvesting in combination with Vapor Gard ? before or after harvest was a reduced weight loss. Application of irrigation prior to harvest, combined with the application of Vapor Gard ? 1%, reduced the percentage of

16 January, 2018
In cultivated Heliconia bihai L., the application of irrigation water before harvesting inflorescences and applying commercial antitranspirants Stress Relief 35 ? and Vapor Gard ? at different doses (0, 0.5 and 1%), before or after harvest, was evaluated. The results were measured by viewing postharvest weight loss percentage, percentage of observed damage, the limits of their marketing and vase life. Irrigation application before harvesting in combination with Vapor Gard ? before or after harvest was a reduced weight loss. Application of irrigation prior to harvest, combined with the application of Vapor Gard ? 1%, reduced the percentage of damage observed. The application of irrigation water in combination with any pre or post antitraspirant, extended vase life. Application of Vapor Gard ? 1%, produced less weight loss, less damage observed, higher marketing limits and increased vase life. Finally, the application of irrigation water prior to harvest, with any of the antitranspirants studied at doses of 1% or antitranspirants applied after harvest, reduced weight loss and the observed damage, extending the limit marketing and vase life of inflorescences of Heliconia bihai. ? Sources Irrigation and antitranspirants use on Heliconia bihai L. postharvest life / Riego y uso de antitranspirantes sobre la vida postcosecha de Heliconia bihai L. Andr?s Alcal? B., Jos? Palacios V. Anales Cient?ficos, Vol. 78, n?m. 2 (2017) http://revistas.lamolina.edu.pe/index.php/acu/article/view/1060 Picture by?Tripadvisor ENStress Relief 35? is a product by Varesco, http://www.varescogroup.euVapor Gard? is an Agrichem product, http://agrichembio.com/producto/vapor-gard/
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