Akira Seeds

Akira Seeds

In naranjilla, UV-C and cold storage allowed two weeks of shelf life

The naranjilla (Solanum quitoense) is a traditional Solanum from Ecuador, grown in the foothills outside of the mountains and Amazon basin. Its use is intended especially

07 January, 2020
The naranjilla (Solanum quitoense) is a traditional Solanum from Ecuador, grown in the foothills outside of the mountains and Amazon basin. Its use is intended especially for the fresh domestic market and exported as pulp. Export of the fresh fruit is not possible because of its high perishability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the application of UV-C radiation and cold storage on postharvest quality of naranjilla. Freshly harvested fruits selected by size and absence of defects, were divided into three groups: fruits treated with doses of 8 or 12.5 kJ/m2 UV-C and not treated (controls) were stored in plastic trays at 20?C (room temperature) and 6?C (cooling). The higher the dose of radiation, greater the positive effect on fruit quality. UV-C radiation in combination with refrigerated storage (6?C) led to an increased shelflife in naranjilla, from 14 days. Image source, botanicalgarden.ubc.ca
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