Akira Seeds

Akira Seeds

Info Pepper and Info Tomato 2015

We work updating "Info Pepper" and ?Info Tomato?, online documents for pepper and tomato growers, packers, processors, exporters, advisers, suppliers, and distribution in Spanish language (readers are from Spain, Portugal and Latin America). Contents are open to technical and commercial information on varieties and rootstocks, fungicides & other

24 May, 2021
We work updating "Info Pepper" and ?Info Tomato?, online documents for pepper and tomato growers, packers, processors, exporters, advisers, suppliers, and distribution in Spanish language (readers are from Spain, Portugal and Latin America). Contents are open to technical and commercial information on varieties and rootstocks, fungicides & other agrochemicals, fertilizers, irrigation, plastic, mesh and other material for field or greenhouse growing, packinghouse equipment, packaging equipment and materials, processing, success stories, etc. If your company has to be included, please contact us using info@poscosecha.com You can access to the documents being updated: Info Pimiento, about pepper Info Tomate, about tomato The picture shows the banners on the right column of our Spanish portal Poscosecha, where you also can find the documents.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea