Akira Seeds

Akira Seeds

Mangoes say they want to be managed lika a banana

Jango Mango is a marketing character created by the Mango Board, whose mission is to inform the staffs of the food departments at the retail level that, like bananas, mangoes should not be refrigerated in the cool chambers in the back side of the shops or in the showcases. To achieve this goal the Mango Board has developed a poster, to be located on the back side of the shops, in which Jango Mango says,

31 March, 2020
Poscosecha, postcosecha, postharvest, POS, mango, tiendas, point fo sale Jango Mango is a marketing? character created by the Mango Board, whose mission is to inform the staffs of the food departments at the retail level that, like bananas, mangoes should not be refrigerated in the cool chambers in the back side of the shops or in the showcases. To achieve this goal the Mango Board has developed a poster, to be located on the back side of the shops, in which Jango Mango says, "Treat me like a banana!" It is explained that the handle can be damaged by freezing and loss of flavor if stored at temperatures below 12 ? C (54 ? F degrees). This poster can be ordered using the order form POS materials, point of sale, materials for retail stores.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea