Akira Seeds

Akira Seeds

Now, available the program of the V Blueberry Conference

"QUALITY" - This is the motto of the V Blueberry Conference. Quality, which plays an increasingly important role in today?s market. Quality, which is a showcase of each manufacturer. Quality which enables the path to the best customers. Is it easy to achieve in regard to blueberries? It turns out that not always.

25 January, 2017
"QUALITY" - This is the motto of the V Blueberry Conference. Quality, which plays an increasingly important role in today?s market. Quality, which is a showcase of each manufacturer. Quality which enables the path to the best customers. Is it easy to achieve in regard to blueberries? It turns out that not always. There are many factors which determine quality? such as variety, entire cultivation technology, picking technique and the way berries are handled after the harvest. These are the subjects that will be discussed during the V Highbush Blueberry Conference. It will be held on 2nd and 3rd March 2017, Poland, O?ar?w Mazowiecki (nearby Warsaw). The first day of the Conference will take place in Mazurkas Hotel in O?ar?w Mazowiecki. On the second day we move to open air to blueberry plantation where small/great berries are grown.?Please register here. If you are interested in growing or trading blueberries, then join at the V Highbush Blueberry Conference! Click here to have a look at the entire program.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea