Akira Seeds

Akira Seeds

Origine C?vennes, sweet onions with love

C?vennes is a mountainous area in the Central Massif of France which covers four departments, where there is a protected nature reserve, including a National Park. It is also the area where the sweet onions are grown, on the southern side, with well drained sandy soils and good weather. The C?vennes sweet onions are grown by small farmers grouped under the cooperative "Origine C?vennes", which

12 April, 2021
C?vennes is a mountainous area in the Central Massif of France which covers four departments, where there is a protected nature reserve, including a National Park. It is also the area where the sweet onions are grown, on the southern side, with well drained sandy soils and good weather. The C?vennes sweet onions are grown by small farmers grouped under the cooperative "Origine C?vennes", which performs an important role in promoting this product. Their website is a case in point, where you can see a video with the growing process and conditioning. The cooperative participates in fairs like Fruit Logistica, the 2015 calendar is decorated with beautiful views of the area; a cookbook, renewed yearly, invites to consume their delicious product ... A demonstration of love to its onions. Production in C?vennes covers other products such as apple, chestnuts and potatoes, of which the website of the cooperative also informs. Keywords Onion onion ui oignon ????? stocks ???????? ????? cipolla cebola cebula ??? so?an ???? Zwiebel
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