Akira Seeds

Akira Seeds

Practices to improve Ficus microcarpa behavior during exports

This experiment studied postharvest physiology and technology of potted Ficus microcarpa L. f., including effects of different media, storage and transportation conditions in the export system. The aim was to understand the defoliation mechanism and to understand effects of postharvest handling on quality. The results showed that the mutuality coefficient between the defoliation

03 April, 2020
Postharvest, poscosecha, postcosecha, defoliation, potted ficus, defoliaci?n This experiment studied postharvest physiology and technology of potted Ficus microcarpa L. f., including effects of different media, storage and transportation conditions in the export system. The aim was to understand the defoliation mechanism and to understand effects of postharvest handling on quality. The results showed that the mutuality coefficient between the defoliation rate and cytoplasm membrane permeability, POD and CAT activity, and contents of chlorophyll, MDA, soluble sugar and protein in leaves are all upward of 0.7. The best postharvest system technology for exported potted ficus in this experiment was using a suitable growth medium (79% coconut chaff + 20% perlite + 1% water retention agent), irrigating with liquid GROW MORE K(*) diluted at 100 times, spraying the foliage with 800 ?g L-1 0.004% brassinolides, and storing and transporting the potted ficus at 10?C, which could postpone the degradation of soluble sugars and proteins in leaves and the decreases of chlorophyll content and polyphenols aegis enzyme activity of leaves, improve anti-stress capability during storage and transportation, delay ficus decrepitude and decrease the defoliation rate after 36 days simulative storage and transportation. The temperature domestication before and after storage and transportation at 10?C decreased the defoliation rate of potted ficus. ? SourcesWang, S.F., Lan, Y.Y., Li, Y., Dong, J.L., Wu, S.B., Liu, S.X., Hong, Z.F., Guo, X.F., Wu, Y.B. and Ma, T.Y. 2013. POSTHARVEST PHYSIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY OF POTTED FICUS FOR EXPORT. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 970:279-286 The picture is by spanish.alibaba.com ? (*) A product of Grow More, rich in Potasium ?
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