Akira Seeds

Akira Seeds

Prochloraz, the most effective chemical to control banana black-end rot in vitro essays

The effect of temperature on the development of blackend rot was investigated by artificial infection of green mature bananas (cv. Cavendish) at temperatures between 10 and 26?C. Results showed the optimal temperature for the development of black-end rot was 18?C with the pathogen invading the fruit pulp within 6 days. Black-end rot did not develop at 10?C. At 22 and 26?C, minor mycelial growth

18 June, 2021
Black-end rot caused by Ceratocystis (Chalara) paradoxa is an important postharvest disease of banana. Symptoms include the rot and blackening of the cushion, stalk and crown-end of the banana finger which can cause fruit to ripen prematurely and detach from the pedicel. The effect of temperature on the development of blackend rot was investigated by artificial infection of green mature bananas (cv. Cavendish) at temperatures between 10 and 26?C. Results showed the optimal temperature for the development of black-end rot was 18?C with the pathogen invading the fruit pulp within 6 days. Black-end rot did not develop at 10?C. At 22 and 26?C, minor mycelial growth was observed on the crowns but black-end rot failed to develop. The growth of C. paradoxa was tested on potato dextrose agar (PDA) culture plates amended with the fungicides imazalil, fludioxonil, thiabendazole, and prochloraz. Procloraz was the most effective chemical tested and at concentration 0.001 ug/mL reduced the radial growth of C. paradoxa by 90% compared to the untreated control (ED90 value).SourceEFFECT OF TEMPERATURE AND FUNGICIDES ON BLACK-END ROT ON BANANASSamuelian, S1, Vawdrey, L1Suren.Samuelian@daff.qld.gov.au1Horticulture and Forestry Science, Agri-Science Queensland, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Centre for Wet Tropics Agriculture, South Johnstone, Queensland, AustraliaIHC 2014, International Horticulture Congress, 17-22 August 2014, Brisbane, http://www.ihc2014.org/
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