Akira Seeds

Akira Seeds

The precooled cilantro doubles the shelf life

The study was aimed at investigating the optimum cooling process parameters and effects of vacuum cooling on shelf life of organic cilantro, that was packed in 18 hole polyethylene bags using

24 January, 2020
The study, by Poonlarp& Boonyakiat, was aimed at investigating the optimum cooling process parameters and effects of vacuum cooling on shelf life of organic cilantro, that was packed in 18 hole polyethylene bags using different vacuum pressures reserving operation modes were experimented. The optimum condition for vacuum cooling process of organic cilantro at the initial temperature of 22-26?C was attributed to the final pressure of 6 mbar with reserving time of 2 minutes. After vacuum cooling, organic cilantro was then stored at 5?1?C for physico-chemical properties analysis. The conclusions are the cilantro (organic) precooled at 5?C and stored at 5?1?C was significantly better preserved with a longer shelf life of about 7 days compared to the normal storage time of 3 days. More details in the Original Summary (link below). More information about Vacuum Precooling The picture belongs to aliciavlogtv.com
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