Akira Seeds

Akira Seeds

Warm saline solutions of Na2CO3 and CaCl2, effective as curative treatment for citrus fruits

Citrus fruits storage is currently an important and strategic point in the food industry in Tunisia. Despite the technological developments in packaging and storage, losses due to postharvest diseases green and blue molds are still considerable. A resistance assay to imazalil and thiabendazole was performed for 36 strains of Penicillium. Among these, 5 strains

04 December, 2020
Citrus fruits storage is currently an important and strategic point in the food industry in Tunisia. Despite the technological developments in packaging and storage, losses due to postharvest diseases green and blue molds are still considerable. A resistance assay to imazalil and thiabendazole was performed for 36 strains of Penicillium. Among these, 5 strains of both species were found resistant to thiabendazole. However, no isolates were found resistant to imazalil. As other alternative control means against Penicillium rot, we applied salts (calcium chloride 2%, potassium bicarbonate 2% and sodium bicarbonate 2%), saline warm and hot water, all for 3 min. These treatments were performed in vitro in test tubes, and in vivo on ?Valencia late? fruits inoculated with spore suspension. In vitro, it was found that using hot water alone or in the presence of salts at 52?C inhibited conidial germination of P. digitatum and P. italicum and reached 100% inhibition in most treatments. While in vivo, the warm saline solutions (Na2CO3 and CaCl2) were more effective as a curative treatment. Soaking in hot water also reduced diameter lesion caused by P. italicum. Therefore, Na2CO3 and CaCl2 could be recommended for inclusion in postharvest decay management programs for citrus packinghouses. ? Original title, complete list of authors, and sourcesEvaluation of postharvest treatments with salts to control green and blue molds on Valencia late orangesI. Farhat, A. Khlij, F. Dabbech, M. CherifDepartment of Plant protection and post-harvest diseases, National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia, Tunisia V Postharvest Unlimited, ISHS International Conference, 10-13 June 2014, Cyprus, http://web.cut.ac.cy/postharvest/ The picture belongs to Flow chart showing harvest and postharvest operations for citrus fruits, In Safe Practices for Food Processes, www.fda.gov ? Key words Poscosecha??? postcosecha??? postharvest??? na-oes??? ?????????????? ????? ??? post-r?colte??? ?????????????????? ??? na-oogst??? post-raccolta??? Obr?bka po??? p?s-colheita??? ????????????????? hasat sonras???? ??? Ernte??? ????????????????? ?????????????????? postcollita??? poskliz?ov頠? ????? ?????? ??? nakon branja??? pozberov頠? ??? obdelovanje zemlje po??? post-colleita??? ????????????? pascapanen??? ?il?onn postharvest??? ??????? p?c ra?as??? derliaus apdirbimas po??? lepas tuai??? ????????????? post-recoltare??? ?????????????? ???????????????????? ?????????????? ?????????????????? sau thu ho?ch??? ?????????????????? zangemva kwenkathi yokuvuna C?tricos??? ??? citrus??? sitrus??? ???????? ????? ??? agrumes??? ???????????????? ?????????? ??? ??agrume??? cytrus??? c?trico??? ????????????? narenciye??? ???
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