
Alicia Namesny and Pere Papasseit Awarded the ASFPLANT Master Prize 2024 for Contributions to the Horticultural and Ornamental Sector

The Extraordinary General Assembly of ASFPLANT recognizes outstanding professionals in the sector during a celebration event

Alicia Namesny y Pere Papasseit, Premio Máster 2024 de ASFPLANT.jpg
19 June, 2024

Our colleagues Alicia Namesny and Pere Papasseit received the ASFPLANT Master Prize 2024 last week for their outstanding work in communication within the horticultural and ornamental sector.

Since 1977, the Professional Association of Flowers, Plants, and Horticultural Technology of the Valencian Community (ASFPLANT) has promoted, encouraged, and defended the interests of its member companies, including ornamental nurseries, fruit and citrus growers, vineyards, floriculturists, gardening, and horticultural technology.

As every year, the Extraordinary General Assembly takes place, reviewing all activities and initiatives undertaken during the previous year, as well as presenting the economic situation and budgets for the current fiscal year. The Master Prizes are then awarded, through which ASFPLANT annually acknowledges the work of various professionals in favor of the Valencian ornamental horticulture sector.

This year, Pere and Alicia received the award from Julián Sáez, General Director of Floramedia Spain and Portugal. In the words of the event organizers:

"For their contribution to the development of floriculture, gardening, and hortofruticulture in Spain and worldwide, first through the intensive editorial activity of the Horticultura magazine, later with the portal and their associative and educational work. Both have dedicated themselves to horticultural technology, postharvest, and the promotion and dissemination within the agri-food sector."

Pere Papasseit expressed gratitude for the award, stating:

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work for so many years in the horticultural and ornamental sector. It is a sector that not only brings happiness to those of us who work in it but also to those who receive the gift of our plants and flowers."

Other awardees included José Malagón, researcher at IVIA; José Palomares, technician from the Valencia City Council; and Óscar Calabuig, recognized for his past role as president of Iberflora.

Following the awards ceremony, a meal and networking event provided attendees with a relaxed environment to reconnect and exchange experiences.


In the main image, from left to right: Javier Bartolomé López, Regional Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries, and Director of the Valencian Agency for Agricultural Development and Guarantee; Pere Papasseit and Alicia Namesny, editors at SPE3; Julián Sáez, General Director of Floramedia Spain and Portugal; José Vicente Almudéver Cervera, President of ASFPLANT.

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