
At CAMA 2013, students may register for free, till the next 28th February

One of the principal aims of the XI Intnl. Controlled & Modified Atmosphere Research Conference is to stimulate a larger involvement of students, preferably from emerging Countries, in order to trigger International cooperation and networking in CA/MA research and technology application. With the Program "SUPPORT A STUDENT" some Companies from

17 March, 2020
One of the principal aims of the XI Intnl. Controlled & Modified Atmosphere Research Conference is to stimulate a larger involvement of students, preferably from emerging Countries, in order to trigger International cooperation and networking in CA/MA research and technology application.With the Program "SUPPORT A STUDENT" some Companies from Puglia Region are helping the Organizing Committee of |CA|MA|2013| covering the Conference registration fee for a number of students.Free registrations to students will be attributed according to the following criteria (in order of importance):1.? citizenship of ?low income? and ?low middle income? Countries, as defined by World Bank;2.? submission of at least one abstract for Oral/Poster presentation;3.? affiliation with an Institution from ?low income? and ?low middle income? Countries, as defined by World Bank.When all criteria are met those who applied first will be chosen.Only applications sent within February 28, 2013 will considered.In order to apply please please click HERE The following companies from Puglia Region are contributing to the "SUPPORT A STUDENT" Program:POA - Produttori Ortofrutticoli Associati from FoggiOrotofrutta Jonica from Ginosa (TA)LAPRAG from Rutigliano (BA).
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea