BG Door International
BG Door International

BG Door International

Cooling and CA

Showcasing Innovative Cold Storage and Ripening Solutions at Asia Fruit Logistica 2024

BG Door Joins Asia Fruit Logistica 2024 in Hong Kong

BG Door at Asia Fruit Logistica.jpg
26 August, 2024
Cooling and CA

BG Door is excited to be part of Asia’s leading fresh produce event once again, taking place this year in Hong Kong. If you’ll be attending, let’s connect and exchange insights!

We’re looking forward to three dynamic days of networking with industry experts, presenting innovative solutions, and exploring the latest trends in cold storage and fruit ripening. Ahead of the event, here’s a sneak peek at what BG Door brings to the table:

  • EcoTop Ripening Systems: Setting the new standard for efficient and precise ripening of exotic fruits, EcoTop offers unparalleled airflow management for optimal ripening speed and quality. With over 1,000 rooms worldwide equipped with EcoTop systems, it’s recognized for its superior performance, energy efficiency, and cost-effective operation, as well as its unique multifunctional capabilities.

  • Mobile Precool Unit: Transform any existing cold room into a high-efficiency forced air cooling system. Leveraging your existing cool air supply, it ensures even air distribution across pallets, making it ideal for rapidly cooling soft fruits like berries or effectively drying fresh ginger.

We look forward to meeting you there!

Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea