
Brazil: postharvest of fruits, vegetables and ornamentals, and minimally processed products, under the slogan "Internationalize to grow"

The coming days 12-16, May 2013, take place in Ribeir?o Preto, S?o Paulo, the brazilian postharvest congress (the number 4), and the minimally processed meeting (the 7th). Under the slogan "Internationalize to grow?, will bring together speakers from different countries (USA, Chile, Spain, Belgium, Portugal and New Zealand) as well as the Brazilians (USP, UNESP, UNICAMP, Vi?osa UF, UF Rio Grande do Sul, EMBRAPA, EPAGRI-Sta. Catarina, Pelotas-RS

14 April, 2020
The coming days 12-16, May 2013, take place in Ribeir?o Preto, S?o Paulo, the brazilian postharvest congress (the number 4), and the minimally processed meeting (the 7th). Under the slogan "Internationalize to grow?, will bring together speakers from different countries (USA, Chile, Spain, Belgium, Portugal and New Zealand) as well as the Brazilians (USP, UNESP, UNICAMP, Vi?osa UF, UF Rio Grande do Sul, EMBRAPA, EPAGRI-Sta. Catarina, Pelotas-RS UF and UF of S?o Jo?o Del Rei MG). They are joined by the papers to be presented orally or as posters, from the about 250 participants, researchers and students, showing the results of their research. ? The event is being promoted by researchers of FCF de Ribeir?o Preto-USP; Faculdade de Ci?ncias Agr?rias e Veterin?rias-UNESP; Jaboticabal; IAC; y Embrapa, RR). The conferences will be held in the Auditorio de la Faculdade de Direito de Ribeir?o Preto USP. Among the conferences, ?New Applications of Temperature Management for Maintaining Postharvest Quality?, Prof. Dr. Steven Sargent, University of Florida, EUA, and ?Problems, and some solutions, during the postharvest handling of cut flowers and ornamental plants?, by Prof. Dr. Wouter van Doorn, Mann Laboratory, University of California, EUA. And of course, the meeting is an excellent opportunity to visit a unique country, which grows in almost every aspect. ? ? ? ?
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