

Conditioning , Packaging

VeBind SroTec Bundling systems, for a full range of produce


With VeBind SroTec Bundling systems, by BrimaPack, you can bind up to 3.000 bundles per hour with label or up to 4.800 bundles without label, without any stress.

We have a wide experience in binding of herbs, spring onions, leeks, carrots, spinach, asparagus, soup packages and more.

Our binding systems are developed for a very wide range of lose products with tight and reliable binding but also, where needed a sensitive and gentle binding with 1 up to 3 bindings per bundle.

Heavy duty binding lines, are providing a reliable binding with perfect presentation and possibility for automatic label apply.

Depending on customer demands, the bundling lines can be equipped with a trimming device and this with application of the pre-printed and/or on line printed tractability and product information.

What makes us unique is the fact that you will be able to get a reliable binding under almost all conditions, which is not guaranteed by any other binder!

We offer PLC-controlled binding & control, multiple binding systems, tension free binding for sensitive products, integrated trimming, spraying and labelling and much more.

Also integrated field harvesting systems can be supplied for maximal productivity.

The standard herb binding system for herbs consists of one belt, with product specific holders on it. Additional to the belt there can be one or more rubber support belts.

In the basic situation there is one binder. If more bindings are needed, extra binder positions can be integrated. It is also possible to combine the line with a "soft binding" system for sensitive herbs (you can bind without damaging the products at all!) and/or with a high speed cutting device. T

he high capacity of the line ensure a very short recovery time. We can also supply the herb binding system on a field rig.

This way the herbs can be bound directly in the field, thus saving substantially on labor cost and eliminating additional handling!

For the binding of herbs & more we offer a full range of tailor made, food approved elastics, with one or three cores, and with different elongations. The elastics have a very constant quality, thus ensuring an optimal process ability and minimum downtime.

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