

Conditioning , Packaging

VePack 200-PHH, the system with horizontal infeed, giving the possibility to reach maximum packaging capacity


The VePack 200-PHH, by BrimaPack, is equipped with a compact, automated, horizontal in-feed system (rotating table). This in-feed works as a “buffer”, giving the operator the possibility to reach maximum capacity. There is also more flexibility in the number of people working on the packing machine. From one person feeding one machine, to two people feeding four machines (in case of pre-cleaned produce).

The VePack 200-PHH is perfectly suited for the packing of Iceberg Lettuce. On request, the VePack PHH-modules can be modified for other vegetables. More than one VePack 200-PHH module can be integrated into one high capacity packing system.

Maximum production capacity, 1100 pc/ hour

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