Catalytic Generators
Catalytic Generators

Catalytic Generators


A Symbiotic Relationship of Ethylene for Fruit Ripening

Catalytic Generators Advances in Europe: Success in Germany and Expansion of Its Ethylene Application Systems for Banana Ripening

Etileno y maduración de frutas, una relación simbiótica.jpg
13 September, 2024

After successful registration efforts for Ethy-Gen II as a plant protection product in Germany, Catalytic Generators is now focused on providing banana ripening companies with their unique and effective ethylene application systems.

Greg Akins, President and CEO of the company says:

“We have invested significant time, energy, and money into serving the German market. With Dutch registration secured, the company promptly targeted several other Member States for additional approvals."

Akins adds:

"Obtaining German approval is a significant milestone for us. It enables us to introduce an ethylene application process to Germany that is more cost-effective, efficient, and user-friendly than existing methods.”

The company is now concentrating on delivering their systems to banana ripening companies via trials. Conducting a trial is straightforward and economical, as there is no installation or large investment needed. Usually, Catalytic’s customers start by utilizing a single generator across multiple rooms, transferring it as needed for ethylene application. After completing the trial, they understand the benefits of the Catalytic system, then request additional enerators and integrate them with their software for automation.

Akins stats:

“We understand that our Easy-Ripe Generator and Ethy-Gen II are different from other ethylene systems used in Germany, so we invite companies to try it,” stated Akins. “The goal is the same: apply sufficient ethylene to induce the fruit to start the ripening process. However, users quickly experience the advantages of our system and switch. So far, no generator has ever been returned after the trial period.”


Advantages of Ethy-Gen II

The advantages are numerous:

  • Easy Storage and Handling: Ethy-Gen II is simple to store and manage, with no explosive hazards. A liter bottle poured into the Easy-Ripe produces enough ethylene for 24 hours to initiate ripening.
  • Visible Product: Sold as a liquid, Ethy-Gen II is easily converted into ethylene by customers in their ripening rooms. This visibility allows clients to see what they are buying and easily inventory the product, plus see that ethylene has been applied to the fruit.
  • Purity and Efficiency: Ethy-Gen II produces nearly pure ethylene without the need to mix with inert gases to prevent explosiveness. This avoids wasting expensive gases, saving both money and storage space.
  • Proper and Safe Ethylene Levels: The Catalytic process quickly generates ethylene levels to 100 to 1000 ppm, ensuring proper ripening while preventing explosive conditions in professional ripening rooms or chambers.

Akins stressed perhaps the most important advantage:

“Half a century ago, we pioneered the method for generating ethylene in ripening rooms. Ethylene production defines our operations. Our clientele consists of fresh produce organizations reliant on ethylene for ripening. It's a symbiotic relationship: without ethylene, these businesses cannot market bananas, and without their business, our existence would be in jeopardy. Our customers tell us they choose us because we care about them, unlike competitors that supply all kinds of products and do not have expertise in fruit ripening.”

The company swiftly serves all of Europe from distribution points in Rotterdam, Vienna, Athens, and beyond. Focusing exclusively on ethylene, they ensure their customers never run out of supply. Availability, safety, efficiency, and affordability are the cornerstones of their business.



Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea