
Chain of Life Network? website counts on a fully renewed web site

The Chain of Life Network? is a free website that contains floral production, postharvest care, handling, and marketing information designed to benefit every segment of the floral industry, from breeders and growers to wholesalers, florists, and supermarkets, and every company in between. The goal of the Chain of Life Network? website is to provide floral industry personnel information on proper production, harvest, postharvest, and marketing techniques to help ensure that quality crops

01 July, 2020
The Chain of Life Network? is a free website that contains floral production, postharvest care, handling, and marketing information designed to benefit every segment of the floral industry, from breeders and growers to wholesalers, florists, and supermarkets, and every company in between. The goal of the Chain of Life Network? website is to provide floral industry personnel information on proper production, harvest, postharvest, and marketing techniques to help ensure that quality crops are marketed, consumer needs are met, and industry profits maximized.? As explained in FREE SERVICES OFFERED, there are many opportunities to work directly with Dr. Staby to help achieve this goal. Some features of the new website are:- Has the same URL of the original version, - Free to access - YouTube, responsive design, sub-navigation, and other features have been incorporated to make it easier to retrieve useful information. - Monthly Reports are available by e-mail that contain the latest production, postharvest, and marketing articles, references, videos, and related information. - Links are presented to hundreds of articles, companies, services, programs, websites, videos, products, databases, and experts - all related to the production, postharvest care, and marketing of floral crops. - Free services are now offered whereby individuals can interact directly with Founder George Staby to have him answer their questions by e-mail, participate in consultations by phone or Skype, and/or have him present webinars and onsite programs, with the only cost being reimbursement for out-of-pocket travel expenses when travel is required. - Professors Michelle Jones (Ohio State University), John Dole (North Carolina State University), Michael Reid (University of California, Davis), and Bridget Behe (Michigan State University) are assisting to help ensure that the Chain of Life Network website and related databases will continue to be maintained and updated.
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