
CINCEP, a strategy to address post-harvest diseases of citrus fruits

Economic losses caused by postharvest diseases are one of the main problems of the citrus fruits industry in Spain. LLuis Palou, IVIA, through his article "Current control postharvest diseases of citrus in Spain", in Spanish language, available below, analyzes the conventional chemical control, the problem of this type of control in

23 March, 2020
Postharvest, poscosecha, postcosecha, citrus fruits, c?tricos Economic losses caused by postharvest diseases are one of the main problems of the citrus fruits industry in Spain. LLuis Palou,? IVIA, through his article "Current control postharvest diseases of citrus in Spain", in Spanish language, available below, analyzes the conventional chemical control, the problem of this type of control in the new European legal framework and alternative control strategies. The article is the result of the presentation during the Argentine Symposium on Postharvest Citrus, August 2012, and the article is published in the 2012 November / December issue of the magazine Fruticultura (the original article is available below). Because of its limitations, the application of postharvest clean antifungal treatments (physical, low toxicity chemical or biological), alternative to chemical fungicides, should be part of a broader strategy that can be cold as we call control "Non Contaminant Integrated Control of Postharvest Diseases?, CINCEP according to the Spanish language name, ?Control integrado no contaminante de enfermedades de poscosecha?. The CINCEP strategy is based on a thorough understanding of the epidemiology of the pathogens and the factors that determine their impact on pre-harvest, harvest and postharvest. It involves paying full attention not only to postharvest treatments, but also to preharvest factors (cultivar, climatic conditions and plot, field management, ...), harvest (when and how) and post (sanitizing stations, facility design, handling clothing lines, conditions of storage and marketing, target market, ...) in each case determining the quantity, quality and spreading capacity of the inoculum. ?
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea