
Citric acid, applied in the field, increased the postharvest vase life of tuberose flowers

Iron Chlorosis is a common problem in extensive plantations of tuberose in Dezful region in South of Iran. In order to find a cheap and applicable way for resolving this problem, effect of foliar application of 3 levels of citric acid (0, 0.05, and 0.1 percent v/v) and three levels of Iron Sulphate (0, 0.5 and 2 percent w/v) and four

30 January, 2020
Poscosecha, postharvest, Tuberose, tuberosa, postcosecha, post-cosecha, post-harvest Iron Chlorosis is a common problem in extensive plantations of tuberose in Dezful region in South of Iran. In order to find a cheap and applicable way for resolving this problem, effect of foliar application of 3 levels of citric acid (0, 0.05, and 0.1 percent v/v) and three levels of Iron Sulphate (0, 0.5 and 2 percent w/v) and four 423 levels of nitrogen (0, 100, 150, and 200 ppm) was investigated on Tuberose. The experiment consisted of a factorial arrangement (3 ?3?4), carried out in a randomized block design, with three replications each consisted of four containers, with one plant per container. Several flower qualitative and quantitative factors are measured and discussed as well. The results show that Iron Sulfate and Nitrogen? both caused increase in chlorophyll b content, Flower length, spike length and florets per spike. Iron sulfate caused increase in average size of bulblets and total Iron Content while nitrogen reduced the Number of bulblets per plant. Citric acid increased the postharvest vase life of tuberose flowers and had not any direct effect on other traits. Original tittle, information about the authors, and sources:Effect of Iron Sulfate and Citric Acid Foliar Applications Combined with Nitrogen Fertigation on Several Qualitative and Quantitative Traits of Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.)Eydian, B.1; Hadavi, E. 1, Guiti, A. 21Islamic Azad University-Karaj Branch, Horticulture Dept., Agriculture Faculty, Azadi St., Eram Blvd., Mehrshahr, 31876/44511, Karaj, Islamic Republic of Iran2Islamic Azad University-karaj Branch, Soil Science Dept., Agriculture Faculty, Azadi St., Eram Blvd., Mehrshahr, 31876/44511, Karaj, Islamic Republic of Iran International Horticulture Congress, Lisboa 2010, ISHS, The first picture belongs to and the field view is by ? ? ?
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