


Citrosol Presents CATsystem®, the First Automatic Control System for Postharvest Treatments

The Valencian company is a global pioneer in creating a system to be unveiled on June 27 at the VI Conference on Technology Serving the Agri-food Sector at UPV

Citrosol presenta CATsystem®.png
10 June, 2024

The Valencian company Citrosol will present the world's first Automatic Control System for fungicide treatments, the CATsystem®, at the VI Conference on Technology Serving the Agri-food Sector at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV).

The conference, to be held on Thursday, June 27, at the Innovation City Auditorium (Blue Cube) at UPV, will feature a lecture by Citrosol's R&D Director, Dr. Xavi Parra, titled "Precision Postharvest: 4.0 Technologies for Treatment Applications with Recycled Solutions."

The presentation will focus on the technological innovation impact of the CATsystem® within the agri-sector context. This marks a giant leap in the development of the "precision postharvest" concept, which Citrosol first highlighted in 2010 with the launch of Citrosol Vertido Cero®. The discussion will include the current state of food waste, particularly in the fruit and vegetable sector, and showcase successful case studies of the system, with real-world operational examples providing data analysis and corrections from pilot logs.



The CATsystem® is the world's first Automatic Control System for fungicide treatments. This system maintains a constant concentration of fungicides, disinfectants, and food additives in postharvest treatment solutions within a defined range of values.

There is no similar system on the market. CATsystem® is a disruptive innovation in postharvest treatment applications, positioning Citrosol as the undisputed leader in postharvest globally.

CATsystem® can keep fungicide concentrations constant, performing real-time analysis and corrections of the treatment solution, thus optimizing rot control. Additionally, it prevents the development of resistance, which is crucial, especially when using a single active ingredient.



Citrosol's objectives with the launch of CATsystem® encompass various areas: staying at the forefront of postharvest innovation and development; real-time automation and control of treatments; detecting both dispenser malfunctions and human operator errors; taking rot control to a higher level; increasing economic savings for customers by reducing waste and claims; implementing resistance control when using a single active ingredient. Lastly, but equally important, providing greater peace of mind for customers.


About Citrosol

Founded in 1994 as Productos Citrosol, S.A., the postharvest treatments and technology activities began in the 1960s within Electroquímica del Serpis, S.A., both located in Potries, Valencia. Due to significant organic growth over the past 15 years, Citrosol currently has 134 employees, 10 of whom are based in various countries and its subsidiaries in South Africa (Citrosol South Africa Pty) and Peru (Citrosol Perú). At its Potries facilities, the company has an R&D laboratory and a pilot plant of over 1,200 square meters. Its organic growth has largely been due to its strong innovative character, having received the CEPYME Innovation Award in 2015 and 2020 and the Innovation in Business Award 2020 from the Valencia Chamber of Commerce.

Citrosol began as a specialist in postharvest treatments and technology for citrus fruits, but for more than 10 years, thanks to its R&D work, it has been developing solutions to extend the shelf life of avocados, peppers, tomatoes, peeled garlic, and other fruits and vegetables. Currently, Citrosol is introducing its solution for fresh-cut produce, the Citrocide® Fresh-Cut System, which significantly reduces the water and carbon footprint in the production of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. With all its treatments and technologies, Citrosol greatly contributes to reducing food loss and waste in fresh fruits and vegetables.

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