


Recommendations for the Postharvest Treatment of Pome Fruit

Daniel Tormo, from the Technical Department of Citrosol, explains in the June 2024 CITROPOST the different recommendations for the postharvest treatment of pome fruit

Recomendaciones para el tratamiento poscosecha de fruta de pepita.jpg
21 June, 2024

In a few weeks, the 2024 pome fruit campaign in the Northern Hemisphere will begin. In Spain, there is expected to be a significant reduction in pear production, while for apples, on the contrary, after two years of low production, this is expected to be a campaign with a larger harvest. This will result in higher stocks in the packinghouses, which will need to be managed for staggered sales throughout the year.

Pome fruit is stored for many months in cold rooms under different conservation conditions, and to maintain its quality and freshness as when it was harvested, and free from fungal diseases, Citrosol offers, among others, two products (FYSIUM® + FRUITFOG®-PYR) which are the best comprehensive solution to extend the commercial life of apples and pears, thus allowing for staggered fruit sales.


FYSIUM®, 1-MCP technology

FYSIUM® achieves on-site generation of the 1-MCP molecule, ensuring the correct dose at the right moment. The application is carried out from outside the cold rooms, without exposing the operator. FYSIUM® maintains the firmness and quality of apples and pears, preserving a fresh appearance and a crispy, tasty texture (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Firmness evolution of 'G. Reinders' apple fruits treated with FYSIUM®


FRUITFOG®-PYR, fog treatment with pyrimethanil

FRUITFOG®-PYR is a fog treatment based on pyrimethanil (PYR) applied at the fruit entrance to cold rooms to prevent and control rot. PYR has strong preventive and curative action against major postharvest fungal pathogens in pears and apples ('Penicillium expansum' and 'Botrytis cinerea'), with long-lasting residual activity. This provides excellent protection to treated fruit during prolonged storage, preventing possible reinfections during subsequent postharvest handling of the fruit (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Effect of FRUITFOG®-PYR on the incidence of blue mold rot (P. expansum)

Moreover, being a fog treatment, FRUITFOG®-PYR offers logistical advantages such as no need for fruit manipulation or wetting (no wastewater is generated). Its application using an innovative electronic ignition system (e-Fog) is safe, easy, and versatile (no operator exposure).


Other pome fruit solutions

Citrosol also offers various solutions in its catalog for drenching: Citropyr®, a liquid fungicide for drenching based on PYR; Greengard-Scald, a coating that enhances the appearance of fruit and helps prevent scalding in pears and Golden Delicious apples; Citrocide®-Plus, a peracetic acid solution for maintaining hygienic conditions in water.

Additionally, we have the Citrocide® System for monitoring and automatically controlling the disinfection of water in dump tanks for pears and apples, ensuring process water remains hygienic with Citrocide®. This guarantees food safety, improves rot control (by preventing reinfections), and saves water and energy by maintaining optimal water conditions for a longer period.

Regarding inline coatings to enhance appearance and shine, Citrosol offers a specific range for apples: Plantseal® Apples coatings (based on Carnauba) and Citrosol® A Apples EU (based on Shellac).

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