
Conservation trends for apple and pear

The cool conservation aims to slow the metabolism of the fruits and prolong its life. Among the latest technological tools postharvest, we can mention the use of dynamic controlled atmospheres (DCA, dynamic controlled atmosphere) and the application of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP). The research, conducted by Gabriela Calvo and Ana Paula Candan,

24 March, 2020
Keywords: Post-harvest, post-harvest, postharvest, pome fruit, quality, ethylene, ACD, 1-MCP The cool conservation aims to slow the metabolism of the fruits and prolong its life. Among the latest technological tools postharvest, we can mention the use of dynamic controlled atmospheres (DCA, dynamic controlled atmosphere) and the application of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP). The research, conducted by Gabriela Calvo and Ana Paula Candan, General Roca INTA, R?o Negro, Argentina, shows that for Cripps's Pink apples, inhibition of ethylene production (1-MCP) or reducing the ethylene production (CA and DCA) can delay ?ripening and completely inhibit superficial scald development during 7 months of storage at 0?C. For Beurr? D'Anjou pears, the simultaneous application of 1-MCP and ethylene, leds to a loss of firmness at a lower rate than controls, maintaining a similar incidence of scald as fruits treated with 1-MCP without reversal. Therefore, this treatment seems the most ?promising among the alternatives evaluated. The complete summary in Spanish is available here, as well as conservation recommendations of this INTA research station. Sources and contact data of the authors: AITEP 2012, VII Iberoamerican Congress and Agroexportaciones Postharvest Technology, November, La Plata, Argentina INTA Alto Valle-DC 782 (8332) - General Roca, Argentina-Black River E-mail: The picture belongs to an installation by Absoger in R?o Negro. ?
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