
Forced-air cooling reduces 1-MCP application duration on plums without reducing effectiveness

A new application technology of applying 1-MCP during forced-air cooling (FAC) was tested in plums. The application time for 1-MCP was reduced from 24 h to 6 h without affecting treatment performance. 1-MCP ?FAC treatment followed by storage at 10?C showed promise as a new methodology to avoid chilling temperatures and provide considerable

07 May, 2020
Postharvest, poscosecha, postcosecha, chilling injury, cold storage, forced-air cooling, ripening, saving energy, shelf life, softening A new application technology of applying 1-MCP during forced-air cooling (FAC) was tested in plums. The application time for 1-MCP was reduced from 24 h to 6 h without affecting treatment performance. 1-MCP ?FAC treatment followed by storage at 10?C showed promise as a new methodology to avoid chilling temperatures and provide considerable energy savings without reducing postharvest life and consumer quality. This new 1-MCP application system is compatible with current postharvest handling, rendering it easy to adopt by the tree fruit industry. Our results encourage testing of this new technology at the commercial scale to accurately quantify energy savings and consumer reactions for specific operations and markets. Complete list of authors, original title and sources:Minas, I.S., Crisosto, G.M., Day, K.R. and Crisosto, C.H. 2013. FORCED-AIR COOLING REDUCES 1-MCP APPLICATION DURATION ON PLUMS (PRUNUS SALICINA LINDL.) WITHOUT REDUCING EFFECTIVENESS. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 985:257-259, X International Symposium on Plum and Prune Genetics, Breeding and Pomology The picture is by
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