Fresh Formulaics

Fresh Formulaics


Flair S1™, Plant-Based Postharvest Solution for Enhanced Quality and Appearance


Flair S1™ is a plant-based postharvest solution introduced by Fresh Formulaics. Offering a smarter, safer, and more effective alternative to traditional waxes, Flair S1™ extends the shelf life and shine of fresh produce, delivering superior quality with proven commercial performance.

Designed as an all-in-one, high-performance solution, Flair S1™ enhances the quality, appearance, and longevity of fresh fruit. Compared to conventional waxes and resins, it offers a long-lasting shine and better firmness retention while boosting operational efficiency. It helps suppliers meet evolving consumer demands and navigate regulatory changes with ease.

Key Benefits of Flair S1™:

  • Longer-lasting shine
  • No MRLs
  • Elimination of plastic use and non-vegan ingredients
  • Expansion into new markets
  • Decrease of overpack
  • Reduction or elimination of heat drying
  • Higher fruit throughput
  • Consolidation of treatment steps
  • Certified as Vegan

Flair S1™ Features:

  • No Fruit Tempering Needed: FlairS1 can be readily applied to cold, wet fruit, leaving a uniform shine (i.e., no wax spots).
  • Eliminate Heated Drying: Complete fruit drying at 15 MT/h at 20°C and eliminate pre-dryers.
  • Reduce Conventional Fungicide Usage: Decrease fungicide application by 30% while maintaining a target MRL when dosing into FlairS1.
  • Achieve Higher Fruit Throughput: Process fruit on the line 15-25% faster.
  • Application Made simple: FlairS1 comes ready-to-use and integrates seamlessly into existing equipment. The unique properties of FlairS1 will lead to reduced operational costs

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