
Fruit coatings to avoid internal browning in pineaple

Some fruit coatings from domestically coating materials may be of interest for GP3, a highly sensitive cv of pineapple to internal browning

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23 August, 2024

Pineapple is a fruit that is widely produced in Indonesia. Pineapple production in Indonesia in 2019 is the 4th largest in the world after Costa Rica, the Philippines and Brazil. Lampung Province, South of Sumatra island, is the largest contributor to pineapple fruit production in Indonesia, which is 30.51% of the national pineapple production. 

The most produced pineapple clones in Indonesia are MD2 for fresh fruit and GP3 for canning. If the GP3 is promoted for a fresh fruit, trying to fill the short supply of MD2 clones if global consumer demand for MD2 pineapples continues to increase, it needs fruit coatings. 

This research aims to examine the responses of MD2 and GP3 clones to various fruit coating treatments through their response to internal browning (IB) and other fruit qualities. 

This study was arranged in a 2 x 6 factorial with five replications. The first factor was two pineapple clones (MD2 and GP3), the second factor was six fruit coatings:

  • control/water,
  • OE6012 (10% v/v)
  • StaFresh2952 (10% w/v)
  • chitosan (1% w/v),
  • a mixture of Aloe vera gel (25% w/v) + chitosan,
  • a mixture of palm stearin (1% w/v) + chitosan].

.The results showed that

  1. Based on its sensitivity to IB, lower ºBrix and vitamin C values, GP3 clone pineapples were not suitable as fresh pineapple, especially for overseas shipments of more than 14 days. However, for domestic shipments that require less than 14 days, GP3 clone may still be considered. 
  2. Fruit coatings from domestically coating materials, such as chitosan, Aloe vera gel, and palm stearin, were able to compete with the existing-imported materials, such as OE6012 and Sta-Fresh2952.


Pictures are Fig. 7 of the original paper - Fruit-coated MD2 (upper, 1-5) and GP3 (lower, 6-10) clone pineapple flesh after being stored for 35 days. No IBs on MD2 clones (five upper), but IBs in the red circles on GP3 clones (five lower). 1-5 are coatings with palm stearin, Sta-Fresh2952, chitosan, OE6012, and control, consecutively. 6-10 are coatings with palm stearin, Sta-Fresh2952, chitosan, OE6012, and control, consecutively. 


Fruit Qualities of Two Export Quality Pineapple Clones Applied with Postharvest Fruit Coatings During Cold Storage

Soesiladi Esti Widodo, Agus Karyanto, Sri Waluyo, Putri Mariska Fahmi, and Ahmad Ziaurrahman

In A. Zakaria et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Industry Science Technology and Sustainability (IConISTS 2023), Advances in Engineering Research 235,


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