Green Sort
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Green Sort


GreenSort Leads Innovation in Highbush Blueberry Processing

Polish AI-Powered Sorting and Weighing Technology to Optimize Productivity for Blueberry Farms of All Sizes

Green Sort lidera el camino de la innovación en el acondicionamiento de arándanos.jpg
27 August, 2024

In the evolving landscape of highbush blueberry cultivation, the importance of quality, freshness, and packaging is Paramount for achieving optimal pricing. This paradigm shift has been embraced by small-scale farmers through the adoption of compact sorting and weighing technologies. What is worth noting is that the company was founded in 2016 and till 2023 over 60 farms in all of Europe have implemented solutions from the Polish manufacturer, including intelligent sorters, precision scales, calibrators and complete GreenSort sorting and Packaging lines. The manufacturer offers solutions best suited in terms of performance to farms with an area of ​​5 to 20 hectares. These systems are distinguished by the use of artificial intelligence for autonomous learning during the classification process, offering a significant advantage in terms of performance for small and medium-sized blueberry growers and more.


Growing Demand for AI-Driven Sorting Solutions

These AI-driven solutions are gaining traction among larger producers for their flexibility, rapid recalibration capabilities, and the Swift return on investment they offer. With most of these technologies being deployed in Poland, Germany and Italy their presence is also noted in several other European countries, indicating a broader acceptance across the continent. Demand for compact yet efficient Packaging solutions is growing even among large packers, with some deploying multiple units to meet a diverse customer base and increase cash flow. GreenSort lines, capable of processing 800 kg of blueberries per hour with minimal manpower, are proving to be a valuable asset to both large and small fruit farmers and packing houses.


Advancements in Weighing and Packaging Technologies

This berry season, GreenSort replaced its existing vibratory weighers with belt-driven weighers. The change from a two-head to a four-head weighing system allowed us to achieve greater speed and excellent precision. These weighers were designed to maintain the quality of the blueberries while ensuring a high degree of precision. This is a very high standard for packaging solutions in the industry. The goal was achieved and the designers can be proud of themselves. As the blueberry market continues to grow, the integration of such advanced technologies is a promising development for growers of all sizes.


GreenSort's Presence at International Fruit Fairs

The Green Sort stand is certainly worth a stop, especially since it can be found at many prestigious international fruit fairs.

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