Would you like to improve ONLINE your knowledge in postharvest handling, fresh-cut processing, storage and transportation of fruit and vegetables?

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12 March, 2024

We are glad to announce the 9th Edition of the International ON-LINE Course on Postharvest & Fresh-Cut Technologies offered by the Postharvest and Refrigeration Group of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT, Spain) with updated materials and videos. The official language is English.


Web and program



You can complete it from 1st May to 31st October 2024.



The Course consists of 50 recorded videos of approximately 35 min each, with a total Course duration of 30 hours. Have a look at the ‘making of’ and a Course sample. The videos will be on-line available online on the virtual platform of our University and can be watched at the participant’s convenience.  The pdf of each presentation and complementary material will be available. There will be periodic Group Tutorials streaming with the instructors demanded by the participants.



The Course is addressed to Postharvest professionals, professors, researchers, and pre and post-graduate students related to quality and safety assurance, research, and extension on production, handling, transport, and marketing of whole and fresh-cut horticultural commodities.



This course gathers 43 relevant instructors from 5 Continents, 21 Countries, and 32 Universities/Research Centers. See the list of instructors.


Registration fees

Professionals: 600€; Students: 300 €; EUT+ students: 200 €; UPCT students: 150 €.



We will offer 20 full registration grants for preferably young students or researchers from developing or an in-transition country. See conditions here. Deadline for applications: 1st April.



An average of 50 participants from more than 30 countries have graduated in each of the previous editions (65% professionals), who considered the Course as 'Highly Satisfactory' according to the quality report prepared by the University.


More information is available on the website or ask for additional info at

Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea