AgriCoat NatureSeal
AgriCoat NatureSeal

AgriCoat NatureSeal


Extend your fruit and vegetable shelf life by using safe and environmentally friendly solutions

Fresh is simple!

18 February, 2022

AGRICOAT NATURESEAL offers a wide range of safe and environmentally-friendly solutions to extend the fruit and vegetable shelf life and, therefore, reduce food waste. NatureSeal formulas are sulfite-free, allergen-free and GMO-free, kosher and halal certified, with some blends certified for use on organic produce.

NatureSeal FS, an alternative to chlorine washing

NatureSeal FIRST STEP (FS) is an alternative to chlorine washing for the decontamination of produce. It is a blend of weak fruit acids and is authorized for organic production (ECOCERT, OMRI, Soil Association). NatureSeal FS is not an oxidizing agent and works as a low pH wash. In addition, it is not affected by the organic load of the washing water. This makes the product particularly suitable for washing more heavily soiled produce such as onions or carrots.

Edible coatings for fresh and minimally processed products

NatureSeal is a blend of vitamins and minerals, easy to apply and there is no requirement for packaging with a modified atmosphere. NatureSeal inhibits enzymatic browning, maintains fresh-cut color and appearance, without compromising flavor. NatureSeal also maintains the texture of sliced ​​produce, ensuring a fresh mouthfeel. Shelf life is extended up to two weeks, allowing time for product distribution, improving production and processing efficiency.

Semperfresh delays ripening and extends the shelf life of fresh produce. It is an edible, sucrose ester based coating that is tasteless, biodegradable, and environmentally friendly. Semperfresh reduces respiration and weight loss, maintains color and fruit firmness, and prevents chilling injuries. The ingredients are approved worldwide by WHO, US FDA, and EU.


Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea