


FreshCloud™: Postharvest Technology for Traceability and Waste Reduction

FreshCloud™ is AgroFresh's digital solution offering real-time fruit traceability and customer adaptability

Beneficios de la tecnología FreshCloud en poscosecha.jpg
03 September, 2024

AgroFresh, an innovative agrotechnology company and global leader with a mission to prevent food loss and waste, provides cutting-edge solutions, data-driven technologies, and high-value customer service for growers and packing houses across various crops. In its quest to deliver state-of-the-art solutions, AgroFresh has developed FreshCloud, a comprehensive digital platform that leverages data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to enable real-time decision-making.

This advanced technology adapts to various crops, is user-friendly and intuitive, and is accessible from any mobile device through the app or website.


Key Benefits of FreshCloud Technology

Among its main features, FreshCloud users highlight three key benefits:

  1. Real-time access to fruit quality parameters, aiding decision-making regarding the fruit's destination and necessary adjustments for subsequent batches.
  2. Comprehensive traceability from the field to distribution, with analytical functionality allowing comparisons of information or results across years, farms, or suppliers. The platform also facilitates comparing each fruit batch's characteristics with user specifications for each transaction.
  3. FreshCloud's distinct value lies in its high adaptability to each packing house or producer's needs and existing systems, maximizing data benefits without requiring changes to their operations, while easing the transition from paper to digital.

With this digital tool, AgroFresh aims to enhance quality inspections at packing houses and help prevent fruit loss and waste.

For more information or to request a demonstration, contact your local AgroFresh representative or visit their website at


AgroFresh participates in the 2024 Post-Harvest Innovations Directory with this information.

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