


Citrogas-Control, automatic control in cold storage and degreening/ripening chambers

Citrogas-Control, by PRODUCTOS CITROSOL, allows automatic control of working / environmental conditions in rooms for cold storage and degreening/ripening of fruits. It is a system for control and regulation of the environment of the cool, degreening and ripening chambers. Electronic sensors that measure humidity, temperature and infrared CO2 sensors are used for automatic management of fruit storage and degreening/ripening rooms. Chambers equipped with CITROGAS-CONTROL achieve a more precise control of temperature and relative humidity. Besides, measurement and control of CO2 levels allows for optimal ventilation, reducing the operating time of the humidity, warming and refrigeration systems and thus achieving important energy savings. In those degreening/ripening processes, the equipment also regulates automatically ethylene levels, adjusting its consumption and keeping the right concentration to make the process develop correctly. This leads to better degreening or ripening and longer shelf life, without decreases in the organoleptic traits, weight or skin appearance of the fruit. This system permits connection to a PC on which all the relevant parameters of its functioning are recorded.
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