Free scholarships to be enrolled in the 4th International on-line Course on Postharvest & Fresh-cut Technologies

52 candidates (34 male; 18 female) from 22 developing or in transition countries have applied for the 10 free scholarship to be enrolled in the ?4th International on-line Course on Postharvest & Fresh-cut Technologies?. We will soon communicate the decision of the committee. Thanks to the Sponsors DECCO WORLD WIDE, SAKATA SEED, MSC-MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY & POSTHARVEST.BIZ that could provide such schoolarships. The Course will start on 15th January and regular registrations will be open until September 41 prestigious professors from 20 countries and 30 universities or research centers will be the instructors. ¡Take the time you need to complete the Course! It consists of 50 recorded videos of 30 min each that the participant will be able to watch at his/her convenience

21 January, 2019
52 candidates (34 male; 18 female) from 22 developing or in transition countries have applied for the 10 free scholarship to be enrolled in the ‘4th International on-line Course on Postharvest & Fresh-cut Technologies’. We will soon communicate the decision of the committee. Thanks to the Sponsors DECCO WORLD WIDE, SAKATA SEED, MSC-MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY & POSTHARVEST.BIZ that could provide such schoolarships. The Course will start on 15th January and regular registrations will be open until September 41 prestigious professors from 20 countries and 30 universities or research centers will be the instructors. ¡Take the time you need to complete the Course! It consists of 50 recorded videos of 30 min each that the participant will be able to watch at his/her convenience. More infomation,
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea