Predimed has shown that a Mediterranean diet enriched with a 30 g handful of mixed nuts a day can: a) reduce the risk of diabetes by 52%; b) reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome by 13.7%; c) reduce blood glucose levels, systolic and diastolic blood pressure and the LDL:HDL cholesterol ratio; d) decrease insulin resistance in those non diabeteic individuals; e) improve biomarkers of inflammation and oxidation on the cardiovascular system, and f) reduce waist
Poscosecha, postcosecha, postharvest, frutos secos, nueces, dried fruitsPredimed has shown that a Mediterranean diet enriched with a 30 g handful of mixed nuts a day can: a) reduce the risk of diabetes by 52%; b) reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome by 13.7%; c) reduce blood glucose levels, systolic and diastolic blood pressure and the LDL:HDL cholesterol ratio; d) decrease insulin resistance in those non diabeteic individuals; e) improve biomarkers of inflammation and oxidation on the cardiovascular system, and f) reduce waist circumference.This statement belongs to the article that informs about the next INC World Forum for Nutrition Research and Dissemination, chaired by Prof. Jordi Salas-Salvad?, Reus, Catalonya, Spain, next 20th May 2013. The article is significantly titled ?International experts call on fat-phobic Australians to go nuts?, and explains that Australia is counted in the worst third of all OECD countries in its incidence of preventable chronic diseases.The INC, International Nut & Dried Fruit Council Foundation, celebrates, the days after the Reus Forum, the 30th Anniversary World Nut and Dried Fruit Congress, in Barcelona, 100 km north from Reus, on the beautiful Mediterranean Coast.Source:The Cracker, November 2013More information