
Allium extract is effective to control Asperisporium caricae in papaya during postharvest

Plant extracts for the control of plant diseases are emerging as an alternative to conventional fungicides as they are generally safe to humans and environment friendly. Seven plant extracts were tested for postharvest management of papaya black spot disease caused by Asperisporium caricae under in vivo condition. Among all the seven plant extracts tested, Allium sativum was highly effective in maintaining lesser infection percentage (9.87%) at 40 per cent concentration for ten minutes dipping of fruits in the extract, which was significantly superior over of Prosopis juliflora (11.21%), Vitex negunda (12.06%), Lawsonia inermis (13.65%), Ocimum sanctum

30 March, 2020


Plant extracts for the control of plant diseases are emerging as an alternative to conventional fungicides as they are generally safe to humans and environment friendly. Seven plant extracts were tested for postharvest management of papaya black spot disease caused by Asperisporium caricae under in vivo condition. Among all the seven plant extracts tested, Allium sativum was highly effective in maintaining lesser infection percentage (9.87%) at 40 per cent concentration for ten minutes dipping of fruits in the extract, which was significantly superior over of Prosopis juliflora (11.21%), Vitex negunda (12.06%), Lawsonia inermis (13.65%), Ocimum sanctum (15.62%) and Lantana camara (17.63%). Azadirachta indica (20.15%) was reported to be least effective in decreasing the infection percentage. SourcesEco-friendly post-harvest management of papaya?black spot disease caused by Asperisporium?caricaePooja S Patel, VB Sanath Kumar, N Kiran Kumar, KB Palanna, Chandrappa and B LingarajInternational Journal of Chemical Studies 2019; 7(5): 68-71,?DOMCA ProalliumNE - No information in the abstract about smell and other characteristics of the extracts that could affect consumer acceptance
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