
Avocado consumption in Europe, still has a long way to go

?According to our estimates, European consumption (of avocado) amounted to approximately 290.000 t from June 2013 to May 2014. This figures take the volumes absorbed per capita in the EU-28 to just under 600 g/year?, indicates the ?Close-up Avocado? issue of FruiTrop, September 2014. It continues ?This average level does not carry much significance, since it conceals a still very marked difference between the East and the West of the Community. Despite an increasingly pronounced dynamic, the inhabitants of

01 March, 2021


?According to our estimates, European consumption (of avocado) amounted to approximately 290.000 t from June 2013 to May 2014. This figures take the volumes absorbed per capita in the EU-28 to just under 600 g/year?, indicates the ?Close-up Avocado? issue of FruiTrop, September 2014. It continues ?This average level does not carry much significance, since it conceals a still very marked difference between the East and the West of the Community. Despite an increasingly pronounced dynamic, the inhabitants of Eastern Europe consume just one little avocado per year (just over 160 g, i.e. one size 24 fruit). It is still the Western part of the continent which is driving the market, but again with volumes remaining restricted in comparison with other high-revenue zones. The almost 700 g consumed today per capita per year (i.e. approximately 3 size 18 fruits) is a long way from the Swiss consumption level of 1 kg, the Canadian level of nearly 1.3 kg, and even further from the US level of 2.5 kg; markets which, in addition, are far from being mature, and are continuing to exhibit a fine dynamic. In short, the European market has started to make good steps forward, but it is still has a long way to go.? Despite the main consumption of avocado is as fresh fruit, ?in order to increase commercialization on a large scale and give avocado an added value, it is important to develop food products derived from this fruit with a shelf life long enough their transportation and distribution to consumers?, indicate Dorantes, Parada & Ortiz (2014). ? Sources Fruit Trop Dorantes, L., L. Parada, A. Ortiz (2014). Avocado: Post-Harvest Operation, FAO.Pictures by (1st.) and by Ingemaq, specialist in avocado machinery to extract the pulp Basis for guacamolePulper?in avocado slicesCrusher and pulper?for fruits and avocado oilNatureSeal?s avocado?treatment protects fresh-cut avocados from color, flavor and texture changes for 5-10 days Key words Aguacate????? palta?? avocado??????? avokado??????? ?????????????????? ????????????????? avocat??????????? ??????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? awokado?????? abacate???????? ?????????????????????????? avocado ?????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Poscosechapostcosechapostharvest?? na-oes?????????? ?? ??? ??????? ????????????????? post-r?colte?? ???? ?? ????????????????????????? na-oogst??????? post-raccoltaObr?bka po?? p?s-colheita? ????????????????? hasat sonras?????????????????????? Ernte? ????????????????? ???? ???????????postcollita????? poskliz?ov? ????? ?????????????????????? nakon branja??????????? pozberov頠?????????????? obdelovanje zemlje po?????? post-colleita? ????? ???????????????? pascapanen?il?onn postharvest??????????? p?c ra?as????? derliaus apdirbimas po????? lepas tuai??????????? ?? ?? ????????????????? post-recoltare?????????? ?????? ?????????????? ????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ??????????????????? sau thu ho?ch???????? ????????????????????????? zangemva kwenkathi yokuvuna? ??????????? ?
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea