Cooling and CA

Banana ripening systems, ... still running after more than 30 years

Interko banana ripening systems have already been used for a number of decades by professional customers worldwide. And there's a good reason for that. Interko has after all been involved in the development of these systems right from the very beginning and so we have accumulated a lot of know-how. There are systems from

30 November, -0001
Poscosecha, postharvest, banana, plátano, ripening, maduración, etileno, ethylene Interko exhibits in Fruit Logistica 2013, Hall 1.2/B-02 Interko banana ripening systems have already been used for a number of decades by professional customers worldwide. And there's a good reason for that. Interko has after all been involved in the development of these systems right from the very beginning and so we have accumulated a lot of know-how. There are systems from those earliest times that are still running after more than 30 years! That means quality and progressive design.The range of banana ripening systems that can be delivered nowadays comprises a variety of designs that can be used for the most common applications. Clear instructions and simple installation mean that these systems can quickly be up and running.The Interko ripening systems are also used for mango, papaya, tomatoes, ...
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