Conditioning , Cooling and CA , Packaging , Processing

Carrot crown problems that reduce carrot returns for growers

At WYMA we care about your bottom line and we strive to offer post-harvest solutions that maximise your return on investment and minimise cost and waste. However, not all types of waste can be solved in the packing shed. A two-year investigative study of carrot harvests in Tasmania showed that there were five different types of carrot crown problems that reduce carrot returns for growers. Four of them are major defects that will end up in waste bins. To read more about factors contributing to carrot crown rot click here.

03 June, 2019
At WYMA we care about your bottom line and we strive to offer postharvest solutions that maximise your return on investment and minimise cost and waste. However, not all types of waste can be solved in the packing shed. A two-year investigative study of carrot harvests in Tasmania showed that there were five different types of carrot crown problems that reduce carrot returns for growers. Four of them are major defects that will end up in waste bins. To read more about factors contributing to carrot crown rot click here.
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