
Citrosol develops the first two coatings for use on organically grown citrus fruit in their R&D center

Mission accomplished. It is not an easy task to introduce bio coatings for citrus fruit to the market with proven trials backing our research, but CITROSOL researchers have accomplished just that. From the R&D center of this Valencian company in Potríes, following years of research, the first citrus coating solutions for organic production are seeing the light of day. It is a great step forward for the leading post-harvest sector company in Spain, whose work methodology is to launch new products only once their efficacy has been extensively tested. Last autumn, within the auspices of the II Post-harvest Symposium organized by Citrosol in Santomera, Murcia, the first of the organic citrus coatings was presented, and throughout the past season was successfully introduced into the fold of various different bio operators.

08 September, 2020
Mission accomplished. It is not an easy task to introduce bio coatings for citrus fruit to the market with proven trials backing our research, but CITROSOL researchers have accomplished just that. From the R&D center of this Valencian company in Potríes, following years of research, the first citrus coating solutions for organic production are seeing the light of day. It is a great step forward for the leading post-harvest sector company in Spain, whose work methodology is to launch new products only once their efficacy has been extensively tested. Last autumn, within the auspices of the II Post-harvest Symposium organized by Citrosol in Santomera, Murcia, the first of the organic citrus coatings was presented, and throughout the past season was successfully introduced into the fold of various different bio operators. Citrosol already offer two ecological coatings, certified for use in organic farming by the CAAE, Citrosol A K Bio UE and Citrosol A K Bio V UE (Shine-free) both of which have shown how they significantly improve commercial life thanks to the control of weight loss (See graph 1 attached, on Valencia oranges) and also how they protect against marking due to chilling injury (see attached graph 2, from Citrosol AK Bio UE in which an efficiency of 85% is attained in the control of this problem). This level of control over chilling injury marks is a highly desirable characteristic where the fruit needs to endure extended cold storage or prolonged refrigerated transport. “We have wholly plant based coatings for citrus fruit, certified for input in organic farming and with well-proven effectiveness. Our clients – from a segment as sensitive as bio – highly value the security provided by our certification under European organic production standards (Regulation (EC) 834/2007) covering the production and labeling of organic products and they also place great value on the results of the tests that support our levels of efficacy ”, said the CEO of Citrosol, Benito Orihuel. Citrosol A K Bio UEThis coating exercises a very high level of control over the weight loss in citrus fruit and apples and does so on a higher scale than other coatings. Furthermore, it does not cause an unpleasant taste or result in the darkening of the pulp, which other plant coatings, as a result of being too impervious to oxygen may. Also worthy of note is the natural shine it provides to the fruit and the spectacular increase in commercial life due to the marked slowdown in the appearance of symptoms of fruit senescence. Citrosol A K Bio V EUThe presence of the Citrosol A K Bio V UE coating is imperceptible on the fruit (Shine-free); it doesn’t appear waxed. This new development from Citrosol‘s R&D division achieves good control of weight loss and delays aging symptoms in the fruit considerably. The control of weight loss achieved with Citrosol A K Bio V UE is superior even to that achieved by some typical polyethylene and shellac waxes. Citrosol A K Bio V UE is ideal for degreened fruit, as it allows the fruit to continue changing color. Being shine-free, it is almost imperceptible. In summary, these two coatings delay the aging of the fruit and mitigate the appearance of symptoms such as the darkening of the lemon mamelon, for example. The appearance of organic citrus fruit is comparable to that treated with conventional coatings when using Citrosol A K Bio UE. “Both coatings exercise excellent control over weight loss in the fruits, significantly increasing their commercial life. For example, in tests Citrosol A K Bio UE reduces weight loss by half compared to the control samples. Today, there are hardly any reliable coatings on the market which reach this level of effectiveness ”, confirmed Benito Orihuel.
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