
Cold storage of the orange cv. Barberina

Late-season orange varieties are usually subjected to cold storage in order to extend their commercial life. However, some alterations called "chilling injuries" may appear when fruits are stored below a certain temperature.

30 November, -0001
Late-season orange varieties are usually subjected to cold storage in order to extend their commercial life. However, some alterations called "chilling injuries" may appear when fruits are stored below a certain temperature. Navarro et al., researchers at the IVIA Postharvest Technology Center (CTP-IVIA), have reported in FOMESA FRUITECH INFOPOST nº 86 a study on low temperature sensitivity of orange cv. Barberina and have established recommendations of optimum storage temperature and the maximum storage shelf-life attainable. CTP-IVIA results shows that "Barberina" fruits can be stored at 9ºC for a maximum of 60 days for maintaining an excellent quality.
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