Cooling and CA , Measurements

Fecovita in Argentina buys a nitrogen generator from ABSOGER

This month of june 2017, ABSOGER inaugurated a nitrogen plant for wine-making application inside the main bottling plant of Fecovita cellar in Argentina. The N2 plant, an Absoger GA 200 Sk, delivers 156 Nm3/h of nitrogen at 99.9% purity (0.1% of oxygen) and 235 Nm3/h at 99.5% (0.5% of oxygen). We thank a lot our fresh new customer Fecovita for its trust in our technology which has been already acquired by various French wineries whose some of them are the most well-known of France.

29 August, 2017
This month of june 2017, ABSOGER inaugurated a nitrogen plant for wine-making application inside the main bottling plant of Fecovita cellar in Argentina. The N2 plant, an Absoger GA 200 Sk, delivers 156 Nm3/h of nitrogen at 99.9% purity (0.1% of oxygen) and 235 Nm3/h at 99.5% (0.5% of oxygen). We thank a lot our fresh new customer Fecovita for its trust in our technology which has been already acquired by various French wineries whose some of them are the most well-known of France. More information
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea