Phytosanitaries , Processing

FIRST STEP (FS), based on fruit acids, processing aid for the washing and decontamination of produce

As a complement to its NatureSeal range (designed to maintain colour, texture and flavour in cut produce), AgriCoat offers FIRST STEP (FS), a blend of weak fruit acids used as a processing aid for the washing and decontamination of produce. NatureSeal FS is permitted for use in organic production (ECOCERT, OMRI, Soil Association). Unlike chlorine, NatureSeal FS is not an oxidising agent and functions as a low pH wash. It is not affected by organic load. This makes the product particularly suitable in washing more heavily soiled produce such as onions or carrots. When washing in conventional Chlorine, the product is used up in the presence of organic load arising from waxes, soil, leaves etc. which means that more chlorine must be added. Eventually to avoid chlorine taints it becomes necessary to

23 April, 2020
As a complement to its NatureSeal range (designed to maintain colour, texture and flavour in cut produce), AgriCoat offers FIRST STEP (FS), a blend of weak fruit acids used as a processing aid for the washing and decontamination of produce. NatureSeal FS is permitted for use in organic production (ECOCERT, OMRI, Soil Association). Unlike chlorine, NatureSeal FS is not an oxidising agent and functions as a low pH wash. It is not affected by organic load. This makes the product particularly suitable in washing more heavily soiled produce such as onions or carrots. When washing in conventional Chlorine, the product is used up in the presence of organic load arising from waxes, soil, leaves etc. which means that more chlorine must be added. Eventually to avoid chlorine taints it becomes necessary to change the water to avoid the risks of tainting produce. With FS this is not so much of an issue and wash water may be used for longer. When working with FS, we recommend that the pH is maintained at between pH 2.4 and 2.8. For best results, FS should be applied in wash tanks that provide good agitation, turbulence and bubbles. If possible, a 2-minute wash time is recommended. Experience shows that FS demonstrates a similar efficacy to chlorine, achieving typically a 1 – 2 log reduction in microbial load and that washing is effective against pathogens such a E. coli. As well as lowering microbiological load, FS has also been found to maintain quality in produce such as bean sprouts and spinach where produce remains crisper and in carrots where silvering is less severe. FS products are offered wither as a liquid or powder concentrate. The concentration is measured by monitored by checking pH. An alternative wash has been developed for spraying and misting onto fruits and vegetables. The product has been developed to offer a more effective solution for the control of yeasts and moulds. The product is suitable for misting and spraying on fruits such as grape clusters and berry fruits.
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